LAPIP – Laser Assisted Peri-Implant Procedure
Peri-implantitis, just like periodontal disease, can develop as a result of poor oral hygiene or as a complication from certain diseases. This can result in bone loss around the implant, and in some cases, loss of the implant itself. Complications due to systemic disease, medications and aging can all lead to this problem.
Until recently, the only treatment for an “ailing” implant was either extensive surgical repair and in most cases, removal of the implant and waiting for a new one to be placed. With the advent of LAPIP, which is a specific laser surgery procedure, we may be able to treat the infections and arrest the disease. In some cases even regenerate new bone around the implant itself. In some cases LAPIP is a standalone treatment as bone regeneration can occur and your implant can be saved. In other cases, LAPIP may be used as an initial treatment to stop the infection and create a healthier site for other interventions and treatments which may include bone and/or gum grafting.